Monday, 9 February 2015

Places to ramble in 2015

It's time for us to put together a list of rambling venues. So let's have your ideas, where would you like to go?

you can find a list of many places we have rambled before here.
some of the ideas can be found here.

Tuesday, 3 February 2015

First committee meeting of 2015

Summer is on its way.

It’s that time of year when we start preparing for the summer. We have our 1st committee meeting of the year on Friday 6th Feb., 10:30 at Trevithick Inn Camborne

All welcome, if you live in Camborne and are not a member why not pop in and say hello.

Sunday, 1 February 2015

About Cornwall Rolling Ramblers.

If you like being outdoors, and perhaps have been a rambler in the past but now need to use a wheelchair or mobility scooter, CRR organises rambles from April-October. We find routes that are small-wheel friendly and arrange to meet for a day and enjoy the ramble together. Friends and family are welcome to join us.

Visit our website.